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Back Pain Specialist

Stuart A. Rubin, MD, MPH

Physiatry, Rehabilitation Medicine, and Pain Management Physician located in Boynton Beach, FL

Millions of Americans live with back pain, and it’s sometimes severe enough to prevent them from working or socializing. At his practice in Boynton Beach, Florida, board-certified pain medicine and physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist Stuart A. Rubin, MD, MPH, offers expert diagnosis and personalized treatment plans to relieve back pain and help you get back to your regular activities. You don’t have to put up with back pain — call the office or schedule a consultation online today.

Back Pain Q&A

What causes back pain?

Back pain is one of the most common ailments in the United States. It can range from a mild nagging pain to severe pain preventing normal activities and ambulation. It can involve the lumbosacral and thoracic regions and radiate to the cervical region.

The treatment of back pain requires a comprehensive approach. Physiatrists are the optimal providers to treat back pain due to their comprehensive training and perspective. In addition, Dr. Rubin combines his knowledge of pain management and acupuncture to treat patients with back pain.

At the initial and subsequent visits, Dr. Rubin performs a thorough history and comprehensive examination. He tries to “connect the dots” in order to determine the cause of your back pain and to arrive at an optimal treatment plan. Most importantly he listens to you.

Dr. Rubin understands that back pain is multi-factorial and may be produced by many intersecting factors, including

  • Spinal stenosis
  • Muscle strain/spasm
  • Herniated discs
  • Sacroiliitis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Arthritis 
  • Scoliosis 
  • Hip and leg abnormalities
  • Vertebral fractures
  • Post-laminectomy syndrome 
  • Previous surgeries
  • Poor posture
  • Improper footwear
  • Neuropathy
  • Poor balance
  • Trauma/falls/car accidents
  • Underlying medical conditions such as kidney issues and cancer

What is spinal stenosis ?

Spinal stenosis is narrowing of the spinal canal. The narrowed central spinal canal or the lateral canals can impinge upon and/or inflame nearby nerves. These inflamed nerves can cause significant pain, poor ambulation, and lower extremity weakness.

What is sciatica?

Sciatica is a group of symptoms caused by irritation of nerves emanating from your lumbar spine. Common sciatica symptoms include:

  • Pain in your hips, buttocks, or legs
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Electrical sensations
  • Muscle weakness

Sciatica can be accompanied by:

  • Low back pain
  • Lost balance

What is Sacroiliitis?

The sacroiliac joint is located between the sacrum and iliac bones of the pelvis. This joint which is one of the “anchors” of the lumbosacral spine is often overlooked as a cause for low back pain. It is also frequently inflamed when there is a history of previous lumbar surgery. 

When should I talk to a doctor about my back pain?

If you have back pain that persists for more than a few days or gets more severe instead of subsiding, you should see Dr. Rubin.

If you have pain that limits your mobility or stems from an acute accident, you should see Dr. Rubin.

What are the available treatments for back pain?

In line with Dr. Rubin’s comprehensive approach, one or more of the following options will be considered.


Anti-inflammatory medication, including corticosteroids, can help to manage your back pain. Reducing inflammation in your back not only relieves pain but can also reduce nerve compression. Dr. Rubin routinely does not prescribe narcotics for pain control.

Physical therapy

Physical therapy is often a critical component in back pain management. Exercises and stretches can relieve tension in your spine and increase your strength and flexibility. As a physiatrist, Dr. Rubin understands the best therapy approaches for your condition. He works with many of the best therapists in the area. 

Spinal injections

Spinal injections deliver a combination of a local anesthetic and a corticosteroid directly into your spine for rapid pain relief. 

Back Braces

New lightweight models provide needed support and stability and can take the pressure off the inflamed nerve. Dr. Rubin will customize a brace that fits your needs. Many people’s conditions improve with these braces which often allows less medication to be utilized. 


Dr. Rubin also offers acupuncture to relieve back pain. This ancient healing practice can stimulate your nervous system and reduce neuropathic pain and muscle spasm. 

Call Dr. Rubin or make an appointment online today if you have back pain and need expert, personalized treatment.